Message from Chairman (Sh. Ravinder Sharma)
Welcome to Tagore College of Education for Women. We create a safe social and physical environment that helps all our B.Ed. trainees to learn and succeed. Our college has to privilege to have healthy and harmonious ambience and the credit goes to the blessings of our elite members of Governing Body and the diligence put in by learned teachers.
This institution has played a cascading role in the career and personality of innumerable students. Moreover, discipline non – negotiable factor of a trainee’s life . In our campus they inculcate the values of time management and punctuality by ensuring attendance in the regular classes . Honesty and Integrity should be our second names . I intently believe that you would have an all around development of your persona lying during your stay in this Temple Of Learning.
With best wishes and blessing for the upcoming session.
History of the College
Tagore memorial educational institutions which have been guiding and leading both the rural and urban society as a bacon of light have not made such a miraculous and shimmering achievements in a short span of a year or two. But there is a striking tale of very long and ceaseless struggle behind it. Its source of inspiration and encouragement was my late respected father Pandit Mela Ram Ji, who with the zealous and unmitigated cooperation of his learned and scholarly fellows laid the foundation of D.A.V. middle school at Tibberi in the year 1946-1947 to eradicate leprosy and stigma of illiteracy and backwardness in this area.
After having gone through many trials and tribulations this school was upgraded to a high school in the year 1961-1962. I am extremely indebted and beholden to the P.T.A. of the school, which recognizing his extremely unique services towards this, has laid stones in his sweet and noble memory. As a member of executive teacher Union Punjab he played unparalleled role and this union sweated hard to transform teachers as well as district Board Schools. As a result-their unflinching and continuous struggle the union was able to elicit the approval from the then Central Education Minister Sh. Abdul Kalam Azad regarding the approval of nationalization of the district board schools w.e.f. 1/10/1957.
All the teachers in the schools came under the ambit of Punjab Govt. Thus this state got the credit of being the only state where education was nationalized furthering the educational mission of this conscientiously great stalwart and inspirer a head. We :